
miniature book (2022): “Snowball Fights”

“Snowball Fights”
3.4cm x 4.9cm, Softcover, 7 images

All images are chosen from 
various illuminated manuscripts.


Miniature Boxes Created in Dec. 2022

Match Boxes Dec. 2022

above left: "St. Gabriel, Archangel" 
below left: "St. Raphael, Archangel
right: "St. Michael, Archangel"

images from "Hirae ad sum Romanum, 
dates Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne" 
Jean Bourdichon (1457-1521)



Miniature Boxes Created in Oct. 2022


above: "in Memoriam 2" 
by Tennyson
middle: "Between Walls" 
by William Carlos Williams
below: "The Hunters in the Snow" 
by William Carlos Williams

above: "Coffee and Music"
below: "Then I Turn the Page"


Miniature Boxes created in July 2022

above: "Beer"
below left: "miss violet"
below right: "in Memoriam A.H.H." by Tennyson



miniature book: “Poems” (2022)

2.7cm x 3.33cm, 16pp, Softcover

Including three poems 
by Willian Carlos Williams (1883-1963)
-As the cat
-The red wheelbarrow
-The locust tree in flower


miniature book: “The Lights of New York” (2022)


“The Lights of New York”
3.4cm x 3.1cm, 24pp, Softcover
Poem by Sara Teasdale (1884-1933)


Miniature Boxes created in May 2022

Match Boxes May. 2022

above: "Snow White / 白雪姫"
below left: "Puss in Boots / 長靴を履いた猫"
below right: "Bluebeard / 青髭"



miniature book: "Feathers of St. Gabriel" & "Wings of St. Gabriel" (2022)

left: “聖ガブリエルの羽根 (Feathers of St. Gabriel)”
3.0cm x 4.5cm, 32pp, Softcover, 18 images

right: “聖ガブリエルの翼 (Wings of St. Gabriel)”
3.0cm x 4.5cm, 32pp, Softcover, 18 images

"Feathers of St. Gabriel" shows 
close-ups of St. Gabriel's wing in famous paintings.


"Wings of St. Gabriel" features
the wings of St. Gabriel in famous paintings.



miniature book: Tulip (2022)


3.5cm x 4.8cm, 36pp, 
softcover, 34 images

images by
Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt, 1596 - 1610
Louis De Graeve, 1790 - 1814



Miniature Boxes created in Jan. 2022

Match Boxes Jan. 2022

above left: "New year 2022"
below left: "Lady Murasaki"
right: "Bikunibashi Bridge in the Snow" 
by Hiroshige Utagawa

めぐり逢ひて 見しやそれとも わかぬ間に 
雲隠れにし 夜半の月かな
右:"びくにはし雪中" 歌川広重